Swagga Irish Red Refill
R50.00 / litre
Return and Refill your Growler or container with your favorite beer and only pay for the beer at a fraction of the cost.
Swagga Breweries – Irish Red:
The dominant flavours are provided by the speciality malts giving the colour, the biscuity roasted grain flavours and the deep red malty hues when the beer is held up to the light. The hops provide medium bitterness to balance the maltiness, but the focus is mainly on the malt so the hop aroma is very low.
Irish Red Flavour:
Medium maltiness and roasted malt.
4.5% ABV 24 IBU’s
Swagga Breweries – Irish Red:
The dominant flavours are provided by the speciality malts giving the colour, the biscuity roasted grain flavours and the deep red malty hues when the beer is held up to the light. The hops provide medium bitterness to balance the maltiness, but the focus is mainly on the malt so the hop aroma is very low.
Irish Red Flavour:
Medium maltiness and roasted malt.
4.5% ABV 24 IBU’s