
Swagga Country Ale 340ml x 6


3.8% ABV – 26 IBU’s


Swagga Country Ale

Light copper with brilliant clarity.
The hopping provides an assertive bitterness with some high fruity esters. Moderate to low hop flavour (earthy, resiny, and floral from East KentGoldings).
Low maltiness with a dry finish. (Some caramel malty flavours.) The balance is decidedly bitter, although the bitterness should not completely overpower the malt flavour, esters and hop flavour.
Medium-light to medium body.
A flavourful, yet refreshing, session beer.
Drinkability is a critical component of the style; emphasis is still on the bittering hop addition as opposed to the aggressive middle and late hopping seen in American ales.
Originally a draught ale served very fresh under no pressure (gravity or hand pump only) at cellar temperatures (i.e., “real ale”). Bitter was created as a draught alternative (i.e. running beer) to
country-brewed pale ale around the start of the 20th century and became widespread once brewers understood how to “Burtonise” their water to successfully brew pale beers and to use crystal malts to add a fullness and roundness of palate.

3.8% ABV – 26 IBU’s



Swagga Breweries