Ginifer Gin – 6 x 750ml
Inspired by the vibrant energy only Joburg has to offer. Ginifer is an artisanal Joburg Dry Gin carefullyhand crafted in small batches and copper pot distilled to create a contemporary, refreshing gin. Inspired by the diversity and vibrant energy unique to Jozi, it’s as smooth as the summer sky.
The formulation includes 13 gin botanicals, many of which are sourced from across Europe and then combined in perfect harmony with uniquely African botanicals used in traditional healing. These are mostly sourced from the Faraday Muthi Market in Eloff Street in the Joburg CBD. The market is a fascinating melange of traditional medicine and supernatural belief and by sourcing ingredients here – the distillery “honours Johannesburg.”
The inclusion of these local botanicals give Ginifer a distinctive taste and smell and with a heavy botanical load it can handle stronger flavours without getting lost. Strong spices, fruit and good quality tonic water compliment this gin beautifully. The measure of a good gin is that it can be enjoyed neat, and while delicious in cocktails, Ginifer is equally good served over ice.
Tasting notes: Vibrant Gin with dominant Juniper, Coriander & Cardamom, slight Asian tones.
Nose: Spicy, peppery & clean with a light citrus.
Palate: Spice with stronger Juniper, Coriander & Cardamom and a light ginger tone.
Finish: Peppery & dry with a slight cardamom taste.
Awards: ADI Silver; Silver – Michelangelo International Wine & Spirits Awards.
Perfect serve 1: Ginifer Joburg Dry Gin, topped with pink tonic water, a
tablespoon of fresh pomegranate rubies and 5 drops of Ginifer Pomegranate bitters.
Perfect serve 2: Ginifer Joburg Dry Gin, topped with Indian tonic water, a squeeze
of fresh Naartjie, a sprig of fresh Rosemary and 5 drops of Ginifer Orange & Vanilla bitters.
Ginifer Gin is made up of 13 Botanicals and is aged for about 2 months.
Botanicals are sourced from around the world as well as locally.
This gives it a distinctive taste and smell.
ABV 43%